Personnel Potential Development Project in Digital Scheme

IT City has applied the learning materials for personnel’s working potential development in the digital scheme, that is, Essential Skill Courseware for e-Learning, to develop employee’s skills, consisting of:

  • Course “Work Ethics for Sustainable Success”
  • Course “Simple Accounting for Executive”
  • Course “Team Management with People Understanding”

Employment of the Disabled

IT City has a policy of non-discrimination and equal opportunity in employment, the Company has employed the disabled in accordance with the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities Act, supported and promoted the disabled to equally work as normal people in positions that they can do.

Employment of LGBTQI people

The Company has emphasized human rights, promoted diversity and inclusion, and non-discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, the Company has provided LGBTQI employees with working opportunities to encourage them to show their full potential, and have confidence and self-esteem.

Safety Care

The Company has emphasized the safety, occupational health, and work environment of employees, therefore, established a policy on safety, occupational health, and working environment, which is announced on the Company’s website. IT City is committed to conducting its businesses along with compliance with laws and requirements related to health, safety, and the working environment by promoting various safety activities to stimulate employees’ safety awareness, such as incentive training, public relations on safety, etc. Besides, the Company has a policy to support resources to operate with safety, occupational health, and working environment so that continuous development will be realized.